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Based out of Saugeen Shores, ON

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

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What is Search Engine Optimization and why is it important?

Having a Website for yourself or your business is a very crucial step in creating awareness for your brand, also known as Brand Recognition. With a website, your target audience, website visitors and prospective customers are able to learn everything about you or your business. A lot of information about an individual or a business can readily be accessible to your web visitors.

The question then arises: How does your target audience find your website? You may simply give them your business card that has your website address and expect them to visit you. But then they get similar business cards from your competitors. Or they throw your card in a folder that gets filed away, never to be seen again. You may begin to realize how your success rate to be found online diminishes and the old traditional ways of creating Brand Recognition may not always work.

Let’s look at it from another angle, another perspective, or better yet; another location from the other side of the world where a prospective customer visits Google and searches for something that you sell. And out of the thousands of search results, your website is poorly ranked and just like that, you lose a prospective client and potentially sales. How many times do you visit a website ranked at page 12 of your Google search result? Almost never! And in how many cases did you previously know the website address of the website you visit from Google search results? Almost never, is right again!

In order for your website to be ranked higher on Google and other search engines, it needs to be Search Engine Optimized.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process of associating your web pages with relevant and powerful keywords and using other efficient strategies that favour better ranking for your website in search engine results – ideally above all your competitors. SEO will significantly and exponentially increase the likeliness of your prospective clients or target audience finding you online through search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and more.

Better visibility on search results builds over time and the best time to get your website Search Engine Optimized is during its developmental phase. At Full Web Solutions, all websites we custom design for you adhere to the highest standards of Search Engine Optimization.

The provision to integrate SEO strategies is also implemented in our Free Drag and Drop Website Builder tool (that comes FREE with all our Hosting Plans) for those who decide to build and design their own website without the need of knowing any programming language.


Contact Us if you have any questions. We are here to help YOU!